Monday, September 10, 2012

It's more Disneyland Philippines?

Ah rumors, what a lovely hobby it is.  The grapevine...

A N Y W A Y S...I've been hearing a lot of rumors lately regarding Disneyland Philippines.  According to the local news we've put in a request to have the next Disney theme park right here in our own country.  Wouldn't that be exciting?  Heck, I'm sure excited if it does comes true.  No more leaving the country to go to Disneyland.  We already have the talent here, and the Philippines is now 65th according to the WEF.  Economically speaking, I think the timing is just right.

Subic and Clark are definitely a good place to put the theme park.  It would sure boost the morale of the country and bring in a lot of needed jobs.

So where does the rumor part  come in then?  Well, rumor has it tatata!  That Disney is already hiring engineers and accounts for guess what?  Disneyland Philippines in Clark!  Isn't that a lovely rumor?  Although, I did point out to the news bringer that they could be hiring for Disney Hong Kong or any other Disney theme park.  But, according to the people who are in the know, it was specifically stated for Disneyland Clark.

So as far as I'm concerned I'm hoping that it is true, since I'm a big Disney fan, but I have my doubts.  I'll start believing the news once I get myself a picture with Mickey Mouse in the said theme park.

Universal Studios Subic...or was it Sentosa that's another rumor...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Future blogs to write about

Ok, so I obviously still haven't figured out how to make my blog look better.  If you have any idea's or would like to help me out, please let me know at

Mental Note:  Things to write about...when you get the chance and squeeze this stuff in while doing daddy duties, work, and studies...

1.  Travel to Dubai
2.  Travel to Singapore
3.  Travel to Laoag:  Pagudpud
4.  Travel to Palawan:  Puerto Princessa
5.  Travel to Hong Kong
6.  Those restaurants throughout Manila that you've eaten at the past few months.

End of mental note.

The Great State of Texas!

So it's been a while since I last wrote something on my blog.  It's been a crazy few months...I now have a few more things to write about.  Busy busy busy.  Between work, class, and being a daddy it's hard finding time.  Anyways, I just got back home from a business trip (a few month's ago now) and I stayed a whole month in Texas!  Yeah!  I definitely enjoyed my whole stay there.  Texans were some of the most polite people I've ever met.  Always saying "hi", "hello", or something similar to that.  I'd definitely suggest you visit Texas if you have the chance.  If not for the food, at least for the hospitality.
There's a bunch of stuff I could write about but for today I'll be writing about my stay in Texas!

I arrived in the US around March sometime this year.  For some odd reason it was really cold.  I made a mental note that the first thing I would do is go to the local Target or Walmart and buy myself a jacket or something similar.  I arrived in Austin at about 7pm at night and I had to take a cab to the hotel.  My car rental didn't push through as I arrived during the time the SXSW music festival was going on.  No car rentals to be found anywhere.  I waited about three hours just to find out that no cars would be coming back for the day.

So I took a taxi to the hotel instead and arrived at the Hampton Inn about an hour later.  It is a small hotel in Round Rock Texas.  It's actually part of the Hilton family of hotels.  The hotel is located about 60 to 70 miles from the Austin Bergstrom International Airport.  From the airport, you will have to take the 183 North, then you will take the I35 North and if I remember it correctly, you'll have to take the 254 exit and then take a right on Dell Avenue.  It's actually pretty easy to find.

It's location on the I35 and right across from Dell headquarters, makes it a great business trip type of hotel.  You'll always find travelers from all walks of life there.  The hotel itself is a 6 story hotel, with a Texan motive.  The moment you walk into the hotel, you get that Texan feel.  Lots of wood and leather type of furniture in the lobby.

The front desk personnel were great!  Always fiendly and ready to help.  The first week I was there the nice lady in the morning shift showed me where I could go to do some great shopping and eating.  She actually took 15 minutes of her time to just chat with me and show me the ropes.

One night at the hotel was about $100.  This included free WIFI and breakfast.  Not too shabby for a 100 bucks.  The breakfast was your standard fare...eggs, sausages, pancakes, lots of juice and coffee.  But if you stay there a month, (even just one week) you'll get tired of the breakfast really easy.  I just wish they had at least some soup or something that could've made it more interesting.

But not to fret!  If you don't like the breakfast, you can always leave the hotel and walk across the parking lot and eat some crabs!  Now that was some delicious stuff!  There was this crab resto/bar infront of the hotel.  They had really good crabs.  If you are allergic to crabs, there are other foody places around the area.  If you have a car (which I really do hope you have if you're staying in Texas), there's the Walmart (you can do groceries), and several sports bars in the area.  To name a few, Hooters and Twin Peaks.  Ahem...

The room was comfy and carpeted (which I have missed having), it had one large queen size bed with fluffy pillows and comforter.  The bathroom was large enough to be comfortable.  The shower was a bit hard to figure out, but after a few tries I got the hang of it.  The internet was fast, it had some hickups but worked for most of the time I was there.  It was a good thing the hotel had wifi instead of just the hard wired connection at the desk.  After a few days I figured out that I should use my laptop on the bed instead at the desk.  The reason for this was because of the airconditioner.  For some really really odd reason of engineering by the hotel, the airconditioner was located on the bottom, right next to the windows and desk.  If you sit at the desk, the airconditioner would blast cold air right at your head every few minutes and it was really loud  After a few days I just stopped sitting at the desk.

So I spent most of my time just lying on the big comfy bed of the hotel and watching TV.  I've really missed that.  Just hanging around, lying on the bed and eating TV dinners.  I arrived early enough in Texas so that I had time to explore before my work week started.  Like my mental note stated, I was going to visit the local Target or Walmart.  Thankfully, there was a Walmart right across the street.  Well, at least I thought it was right across the street.  Apparently everything in Texas is big.  It took me10 minutes to walk to Walmart as the parking lot was huge.  I did some exploring and I really missed those big aisles when doing groceries.  I took pictures left and right of Walmart.  Can you imagine how weird that is if you're from Round Rock?  So I did some groceries and finally got myself a Dickies hoody.  It was on sale.  Great buy by the way.

So for the next few weeks after work I went shopping.  What else to do after work in a new place right?  I went exploring and shopping.  I was able to do this since after a few days my boss took me back to the airport to get that car.  Unfortunately, I didn't have my passport with me and I needed that to get the car.  Apparently something about not having info in their system so I needed my passport.  To make a long story short, I took another cab back to the hotel to get my passport, and then the same cab back to the airport.  That's like $70 one way.

One great thing about having a rental car is that I got to choose it.  This was my first car rental ever so when the attendant told me that I could just choose a car from the lot I was like a kid in a candy store.  I was like...this is so totally cool...(with a big grin on my face).  So I went down the lot looking at cars and there was this Ford that caught my eye.  The car guy told me the keys where in the car and so all I had to do was pick a car and drive it to the window thingy.  I took a seat in the Ford and I took one look at the dashboard when I realized I was sitting in a plane and not a car.  There were so many buttons and lights I told myself that this wasn't the right car.  Although it was a really nice car I decided to pick another one.  What I finally drove off the lot was a brand spanking new black 2012 Toyota Yaris.  It looked exactly like a Toyota Corolla to me though.  But it was exactly what I needed.  An automatic, with just the basic stuff a car needed.  Nothing that would cause me to crash the car.  And let me tell you, it was some great driving in Texas on the highway!  I was going at the speed limit but it felt great!  When was the last time you could do 60 to 70 mph on EDSA?

Like I said, I spent one month in Texas and every single day I was there and turned on the ignition of my car, I heard this song..."toniiiight we are young..." this song is now forever and ever engraved in my brain as my car driving song.  And I'm not kidding you...this song played every day of my stay there and every time I turned on the ignition of the car.

Anyways, there's no way I can put a whole month of experience on this iddy bitty blog of mine.  My whole point to this writing is I thought that Texas was a great state to visit.  I went out every single day after work and during weekends to explore what I could.  I ate at Rudy's...that's one great BBQ place...I'd definitely suggest you eat there.  I ate at that crab place in front of the hotel...I can't remember the name right now but when I do I'll mention it on a future blog.  I also went shopping at Old some great deals from there.  And I was lucky enough to see the start of baseball season!  I drove all the way out to the Dell Stadium to watch the local college team get creamed by a California team.  Go orange local ball team...sorry!  Forgot the name... :)

So all I can say is I had a blast in Texas.  Austin and Round Rock will forever have a place in my heart.  Great people, great food, and some good shopping.  One example of the friendliness of people there was this:  one morning during breakfast, we had one dude in an army uniform getting breakfast...he had his BDU's on...and this totally random other dude goes up to him and shake's his hand and said "Thank you for the service that you provide our country."  Isn't that awesome?  I was like, that stuff only happens in movies...but apparently it happens in real life too.  Makes you kinda teary eyed doesn't it?

One thing I do would like to mention is that I had the chance to go shopping at the outlet mall about 30 minutes north of the hotel.   Bought some stuff and I saw this customer service place said I could get back the taxes I paid on my purchases as a tourist.  I never did.  Why?  Because I knew that the great state of Texas does its job in providing for their people. I enjoyed the paved streets and security the police provided.  So why not pay taxes?  It was my way of saying thank you.  To Texas and its folks for a beautiful and great stay in Texas!  I will see you again someday!

Pictures to follow on next blog.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

HSBC Philippines - Worst Service EVER!

I haven't written on my blog for a while as I have been busy.  Currently in the US on a business trip.  But this couldn't wait.  Hail HSBC Philippines for yet another lousy customer service experience.

So here's the story.  As I'm currently on a business trip I have no access to my credit card bill.  Simple problem right?  I could check it online.  But no.  HSBC's online banking site will not allow me to register.  It gives me some error message saying that I am not allowed to use this type of registration method.  If you're not familiar with it, it will give you two choices, one is via pin and the other via cellphone.  Since I never received a PIN I have to use the via cellphone method.  Error.  Not allowed.

So here I am, unable to check my credit card bill with an unknown amount due with an unknown due date.  I hate late this is very stressing to me as I consider myself a very responsible person.  The actual paper bill is at the office in Manila.  That is actually a guess since I'm not there.  Anyways, so I sent them a nice email, stating my problem that I am unable to set up my online account so that I can check my credit card bill online.

I get a reply saying something like we'd be glad to help blah blah blah.  But we can't verify your status via email due to security reasons blah blah blah.  Please send us your international contact number and we'll get in touch with you.  So I write them another nice email saying how much I appreciate the security measures blah blah blah.  I give them my roaming cell number and my personal office number while I'm abroad.

This is where it goes downhill.  1 week later.  No phone call.  No reply email.  So I send them another email asking for my phone call.  Days later.  No email.  No phone call.  So I send them another email asking for my phone call.  Days phone call.  So I finally send them an irriated...irate customer email stating that I'd do an internet search on the VP's email address and email him directly...days phone call.  So, me, being the very calm person that I am, try to call the HSBC customer service number even though I would have to spend my own money to contact them. 

After trying to navigate their lousy and not user friendly robot system, which by the way hangs up on you if it doesn't understand your commands.  I get this "Sorry, our office hours are from 8-5pm, Mon-Fri".  So ok...I try calling the 24 hour service hotline....guess what?  It beeps.  That's all it does.  Like someone left the phone off the hook.  So at this point my temperature is rising a bit.  How much money did I just spend calling HSBC from the US?  I don't want to know.  I'll probably find out when I get back.

So I let it go for a few days.  Until now, no phone call, no email.  So at 9pm at night, US Central time, I call HSBC Philippines again.  This would mean I was calling the Philippines 10AM. Yet again spending my own money to contact them.  After wading through the robot system I finally figure out how to get a customer service mistake.  I key in my credit number..."sorry, we don't recognize your card, enter it again" I enter it again..."sorry, we don't recognize your card, enter again" I enter it again....same error message.  But then, the voice says "if you are a gold card member, please press 1" so I figure I'd push it.  So I press 1.  I may or may not have a gold card but wouldn't you press it anyways at this point?  Right?

A few seconds and this customer service rep answers.  Usual hello spiel.  So I relate my issue, I finally get to find out my due date and how much I owe.  So far so good.  Good thing I called because my bill is due in like 6 days.  As for the reason I can't register online?  Sorry sir, nothing indicates that there is an issue with your account.  Didn't you receive your pin?  No I didn't receive my pin.  Can't you do something about this online registration thing?  Sir, can you give me the error number?  Huh?  I didn't notice an error number.  But I just gave you the exact sentence of the error message.  Isn't that enough to figure it out?  Sorry sir, I need to have an error number.  Letche!  So I let it go for now, since I got the info I needed.  I figured I'd call again when I'm back in Manila and I'll take note of that error message.

So everything is fine and dandy.  I no longer think about HSBC and how lousy their service is.  UNTIL, low and behold, I received an email today.  Do you know what they said?  Basically, this is what they said "we noticed that you already called.  So no need to call you.  Hope your issue has been resolved.  Have a nice day."

Pu*** *na mo!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brazil! Brazil! @ BGC/Serendra

Ah, so I'm supposed to write a blog every weekend to share some of my foody experiences but unfortunately I've been a bit busy lately.  I missed writing one last weekend but I have some time this weekend so here I am writing again.  Yehey!

My wife has been cringing lately at our credit card bills and I saw the reason why.  We've been consistently eating out for the past few months every weekend and we're racking up some good mileage.  We've decided it's a bit too much and we'll only eat out once a week.  It'll make eating out so much more fun and exciting.

Anyways, last weekend, I decided to take the wife out for a late Valentine's dinner.  Cheapskate that I am, I bought a voucher for P800 (dinner valued at P1,500) at MetroDeal for a valentine's treat dinner at Brazil!  Brazil! located at Serendra.  For those not familiar with Serendra, this is located right across Market! Market in Taguig at the heart of Bonifacio Global City AKA BGC to those who want to be hip.

Metrodeal is a local voucher/discount seller of pretty much anything.  They sometimes have very good deals on dinners, hotel packages, trips to Boracay, and the great thing here is that most of the deals are 50% off and even more.  You might want to check it out if you haven't yet.  Here is the link, but for some reason it's not working right now.  Metrodeal  They must be temporarily down for something.

So back to my story...everything is nice and planned out.  Take the wife out for dinner.  Enjoy the ambiance of a new place.  Enjoy dinner, the food, and enjoy a nice chat with the wife.  So we get there ahead of time of our reservation, the staff was kind enough to show us to our seats quickly.  The place is packed, most likely because it's a Friday night, but it isn't that uncomfortable kind of packed like some other places I've eaten at.  I really hate those.  The seat that she gave us was a table designed for two people, most likely specially done for the voucher promo as we were sitting next to other diners with the same food.  We were seated right next to the ice cream container and right behind me was the salad bar.  This restaurant being an eat all you can place there were always people to the left of me getting ice cream.  So close, that sometimes they would bump me in the elbow.  I just tucked in my elbow for the rest of the night.

Our reserved table for the night.


Salad Bar thingy

I gave the waitress our printed voucher, she makes me sign it and voila!  We're done with that and the waiter ask us if we want wine with our dinner or iced tea.  We of course go with the iced tea as we both no longer drink alcoholic beverages...long story.  The waiter arrives and gives us the drinks, with a small plate of sauces for the dinner, and a tossed salad to begin with.  So far so good. 

The Salad!

Iced Tea!  And some water!

The salad and iced tea were your run of the mill tea and salad.  Nothing really spectacular about it except that it came with the meal and was quick to get to the table.  I had a better salad at Eat n' Go at Megamall.  They have this really great deal for two people but that's another blog. 
By this time we were really hungry already and the salad just came in time to quench some of that hunger.  We quickly gobble up the salad (well, it's the best description I can provide because the salad didn't live long) and then we waited for the main food experience.  And we waited.

And we waited.

And we waited.

And we waited.

And we waited.

And we waited.

While we were waiting for our food to arrive it gave me some time to check out the place.  It wasn't a really big place.  A bit too small for my taste.  It had a festive motive with masks hanging around on the walls.  Most of the interior was of an earth colored palette of oranges and browns.  The crowd was of a more affluent clientele with a few foreigners mixed in.  The couple's sitting to the right of me (left for my wife) were already enjoying their dinners, which was very mouth wateringly torture.  I'm not really sure why this place is called Brazil Brazil! except for the masks could be somehow be related to festivities there and maybe the type of food they're selling...but it just somewhat looked like a good ol' American 4th of July BBQ feast to me...
Masks there were above our table.
Where's our food?
While waiting for our food.
So while we were waiting for our food, the salad now a long forgotten memory, our stomachs grumbling, I first thought that maybe it does take this long as I could see the table next to us eating a somewhat large assortment of meats.  We do a bit of more chatting.  We wait.  We wait.

And when my tummy starting complaining I called one of the waiters over and told him that we haven't received our food yet.  What's taking so long?  All he does is nod, says he'll get the food right away and goes off somewhere.  So we wait.  We wait.  And since we're waiting I took a look around to scope out the place some more.  I turn around and see the this same dolt of a waiter doing what waiters there are supposed to be doing.  He never even went to get our food!  So being the nice guy I am I figured that he "DID" tell someone that our food hasn't arrived so we wait.  And we wait...and we wait.  I looked at my watch and we were now waiting a good 40 minutes for our dinner to arrive.  This is too much.

So I look over to get the attention of another waiter and I noticed that all the waiters were tending to two big tables carrying meats on big hooks and were carving meats onto plates of other customers.  Apparently, when you're eating on a voucher, they don't treat you as kindly.  Must be a societal trait were if you pay for service that is cheaper, you will receive shabbier service.  Taking mental note.

So I forcefully call the attention of one of the waitresses and tell her as kindly as I could in that situation that our food hasn't arrived and it's now almost 45 minutes and going.  We want our foody and we want it now!...Please.  Thank you.

So she goes off to do what she must do.  So we wait.  We wait.  We wait.

And then I couldn't wait any longer.  Waiters going off somewhere and not even telling us how long it would take for our food to arrive....  It's too much.  I'm hungry.  And hungry equals I'm pissed.  So I look around and saw the manager.  I raise my hands like a schoolboy and waived it side to side like I was at a concert of the Back Street Boys to get his attention.  He sees me and starts trotting towards me in a somewhat irritatingly slow motion kind of way when all of a sudden the previous waitress I talked to intercepts him and rushes to our table.  "Sir, your food will arrive in about 3 minutes."  Finally!  An answer.  So we wait.

Fortunately for her, the food did arrive in about that time frame and we thankfully got to eat.

Glorious food!
 The food consisted of a variety of meats.  Sausage, grilled chicken, pork chops, some type of tapa beef, and paella rice underneath all that meat, with two cobs of sweet corn.  I really digged the grilled chicken and rice.  The sausage wasn't bad either as I grew up in Germany where they have some of the best sausages in the world.  The platter was surprisingly good enough and filling enough for two very hungry people.   The couple next to us even had some left overs and took it home with them.
This is meat!

The combination of the meats with the sauces and rice was really yummy.  Although, I wouldn't be able to really say that this is really Brazilian food, it was good enough to entertain my taste buds.  Especially for paying only 800 bucks for a meal for two.

What I really did want to try but couldn't, was that big meat the waiters were carrying around with them and slicing onto people's plates.  Since we weren't there on the eat all you can scheme I just had to sort of look at the meat.

Imagine the Schwarma meat being grilled and they took it off the hook and carried it around with them.  That's what it reminded me of.  Waiters carrying around a big log of grilled meat.  I suppose I would have to come back with the wife here sometime.  Not to re-experience the shabby service we received, but for the food.

So now full of good food and happy again, we asked for our desserts and me not being much of a dessert eater really did enjoy the ice cream.  It was sweet and creamy.  Just the right thing to have after eating all this meat.  I wonder where they get their ice cream from.  I had the strawberry flavor while my wife decided on the green flavored one...don't quite remember what it was, except that it tasted great too.

Thus, being satisfied, and now eating ice cream, a new couple arrived for the same voucher dinner at the table to the right.  Me, being the very good observer, immediately clicked on the stopwatch on my Fossil to time the arrival of their food.

Salad and drinks made it right on time just like ours...and darn it!  It only took their dinner 15 minutes to arrive!  What an aggravating thing to happen.  I would have thrown the waiters a dirty look but I was happily fed and no longer minded.

We left about 5 minutes later and just kind of quietly slipped out of the restaurant.  I turned to my wife and mentioned that it's sort of strange leaving a restaurant without asking for the bill.  Kind of feels like you didn't pay for the meal even though you know you already gave the voucher at the beginning.

All in all, I would recommend the restaurant for its food, but not for its lousy service.  We'll definitely go back there someday, but not this year.  I'll have to forget the feeling of lousy service first before I'll step into that place again.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Food Delivery in the Philippines: Taking Off!

Growing up with Chinese food delivery and McDonald's has made me a big believer in food delivery.  I like the flexibility and options it provides me.  All I need to do is power up my PC and with a click I can have the food I'm craving for.  Up until a few years ago food delivery in the Philippines was non-existent.  It was very frustrating not being able to order for food when you really wanted it.  Especially at 2am in the morning and you really really wanted that hamburger.

Now it's a whole different story.  Everybody is getting into the game.  I now have accounts at 5 different food delivery sites from McDonald's, Chowking,, Yellow Cab, and others.  I'm very sure there are more to come.  It's a blooming industry and I think if you have/own a restaurant, it's time to consider getting delivery service.  In today's business atmosphere every and any edge you can get above the competition is a must.  The strong survive, and the strong right now deliver their service on demand.

I'm actually really surprised at the quality of service our online delivery sites provide.  The websites are professionally designed, easy on the eyes, and the menu's are universally complete.  Their call center people are absolutely professionals.  Must be because we have so much experience in the call center industry.  Anyways, service is always great.  They always call you within 3-5 minutes to make sure they have all the details of your order correct.  They never get it wrong since I'm the one clicking and choosing my order but it's nice knowing that they check up on it either way.

Two issues I have with the delivery service though is, one, that they never find my delivery address and two, you only have two or three choices of food places after 9PM.  Usually only McDonald's and Jollibee.  There must be something very hard about my location that they always get lost.  But that's a small thing compared to the service they provide.  When you crave and have that must be scratched.

One service I can recommend from experience is  I'm sure you've seen the motorcycles around with the numbers 212-1212 We Deliver Twoanyone.  You just go to their website, sign up, choose your delivery area, find the restaurant you want, and order.  It's that simple.  Someone will then get in touch with you to check your order, and then after 30 to 40 minutes someone will deliver your yummy food to your doorsteps.

As per Quick Delivery's marketing team:  "Quick Delivery has over 300 restaurant partners in over 500 locations throughout the country."

One foody place we tried out for fun was the Empire Deli Restaurant in Taguig.  They're located at Unit 103B, GF The Venice Piazza, Upper Mckinley Road.  Their menu consists of pasta's, sandwiches, and main courses.  I've never been to the place itself, but basing it on the food, I'd stay it's a winner.  You can check out their menu with the link here:  Menu

My wife ordered the Fish and Chips and I ordered the Blackened Dory.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to post as we finished eating before I thought of taking pictures.  Must've been hungrier then I thought.  Drats.  It cost us about P550 or so but I was very pleased with the taste and serving size.  The Blackened Dory was in a clear plastic container with the deli sticker on top.  The container was microwavable so that was a good thing.  The delivery guy...of course got lost and it took about 50 minutes for the food to arrive.  The dory was peppery and the mashed potatoes went well with the fish and beans.  My wife on the other hand, wasn't too keen on her fish and chips.  She said it was more batter than fish and the chips (fries) were ...well, just fries.

Overall though, I did enjoy my peppery blackened dory fish meal and I would recommend it.

There are more online food delivery services online but these are the ones I have the most experience with.  Excellent service, availability, and tasty food brings me back for more.  You should try it yourself.

Yellow Cab
Pizza Hut

On closing, Pizza Hut has this deal where they will deliver their pizza on time or it's free.  Well, if they deliver to my place, it's usually late.  One time, the delivery guy arrived ten minutes late and when he took off his helmet I could see in his eyes that he was about to cry.  I must admit, it caught me off guard.  When I told him that it was Ok and I wasn't about to claim the free pizza, he couldn't hide his smile and gave me about 20 lollipops.  For the kids he said.  Hmm.  It's just a guess, but I think they charge the delivery guys for the pizza if they are late.  So guys and girls, be nice to the people who deliver and serve your food to you.  It's fun to receive free stuff and free food, but if it's at the expense of others, be kind.

You can email me at:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A new Year...a New Hobby: Blogging

It's always fun starting something new.  May it be fishing, reading a new book, falling in love (for those younger people out there), or simply getting yourself a new hobby.  My new hobby, as you may have noticed, is now blogging. It's less time consuming than my other hobbies, less stressful (even releases stress), and gets my brain a work out.  And it gives me an opportunity to write about things that I think can be useful to others.

What will I be writing about you may ask?  That's a good question.  My high school English teacher once told me, "Write about something that you like.  Something that you know about."  She was also the one who told me that life experience is the best way to find something to write about.  At age 16, writing was hard to do.  No wonder.  Maybe my teacher was right about that.  At age 32, writing does come easier.

So what will I be writing about?  I thought about that long and hard.  A few things came to mind...

  1. Food
  2. Travels
  3. Sports
  4. Women
  5. Kids
  6. Work
  7. Photography
Of course the above does not come in any chronological order.  You may even strike out number 4 because my wife will be reading this blog.  Now that I think about it...I know nothing about women.

I now had a short list of things to write about.  But it was still too long.  I needed to focus on a subject.  Maybe two subjects, but not more.  So my old brain got clunking again and I finally whittled the list down to two subjects:  Food and Traveling.  Why those two you may ask again?  That's simple...

I love traveling.  I love eating.  I think of myself an expert when it comes to eating. I've done it for over 32 years.  Come on, how much more expertise should I be getting?  Well, of course I'm not a chef.  I don't know what the main difference between a red onion and a white onion is...besides its color of course.  But what I do know is this, what tastes good and how the ambiance of a place can affect the whole dining experience.  Traveling is of course self explanatory.  Everybody loves to travel.  And fortunately, I'm allowed to travel at least once a year by my boss.  Take a guess who that is?

My wife and I eat out at least once a week.  That's quite expensive actually.  But we just can't help it.  I don't have any other expensive hobbies as of the moment and we enjoy it.  So why the heck not right?  It does add a bit to the waistline but I manage to keep it to a certain adorable size.  So one day, while we were waiting for our food at "unnamed restaurant", my wife turns to me and says, "Since we eat out every week, why don't you start writing about it?  Maybe even someday someone will offer us free food so you can write about it."  Bless her heart.  She's so practical and I love her for it.  And I thought about it.  I said it was a good idea.  And so here we are.

I promised myself (and to my readers, hopefully there would be more than 10 by the end of the year), that I'll write at least one "review," "comment," and/or "experience," call it whatever you want, about a place, resto, venue, business, or whatever constitutes food, fun, and adventure.  Now, don't come running to me and complain about bad grammar or wrong sentence structure.  I really don't care.  This is my blog.  I'll try to make it as honest as possible and as interesting as I can.  I don't want to bore my readers of course.

In the next few days, weeks, and even months, I'll come up with a better web design.  I'll even buy a better camera so that I can fully show the world and my readers what I'm talking about.  What's a photographer with no camera worth right?  I'm currently in the process of choosing a criteria on how to judge a place/business.  For now, I'll use whatever I can think of at the moment of writing.

Since I haven't taken down any detailed notes of the places I've been to in the recent past, my first few blogs won't be as detailed as I want them to be.  That'll change of course as we go along.  I'll fine tune and zero in to what is good and get rid of what I think is boring.  For now, sit back and enjoy reading my blogs.  Bon Appetit!  Guten Appetit meine Freunde!

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